Friday, July 16, 2010

Making presentation slides

Things to remember when you are making a 15 min presentation slides for an Economics conference. 20 min each presenter is the norm, the last 5 min is for Q&A.
  1. Motivates the paper. What is the question you are trying to answer? What is the answer? Why should we need to know? All these should be in the first few slides. How did you do and did you do it right is relatively less important.
  2. The speed is proximately at 1.5 - 2 min per slide, which means 8 - 10 pages with phrases/formulas + 2 - 4 pages of pure graph or table.
  3. Do not use arrow to show relationship, or +/- sign to show increase/decrease.
  4. Minimize the number of Greek letters, and give each one an English name whenever it is mentioned.
  5. Only important formula and notations, the less, the better.
  6. Widely accepted abbreviations are your friend, e.g., nom. int. for nominal interest, avg. for average, std. for standard deviation, prim. for primary.
  7. No period ".". Use phrases like silver bullet in your resume "verb ing + object", "adj + noun". Try not use full sentences, sometimes short sentences are OK "subject + verb + object", e.g., clearing the market, composites of goods, country 1 produce good a.
  8. Sub title followed by 2 -4 bulletin points

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